- 2022/10/08(六)19:30~21:30/傳統攻炮城團體賽
- 2022/10/09(日)19:30~21:30/漆彈個人賽
- 報名人數:團體賽50組團體(每團3人)/個人賽80人
- 比賽規則:
指導單位:高雄市政府民政局 | 主辦單位:高雄市左營區公所
2022 Attach City
According to legend, “Attack City” was a military training in which Zheng Chenggong trained his soldiers to throw gunpowder. It subsequently evolved into the “Attack City” game. This folk custom from ancient times allows people to witness the might of Zheng’s army. Attack City is a challenging activity that has always been popular with the public. In addition to the traditional lively Attack City celebrations, paintball individual competitions will be added to Attack City this year to complement the conventional lively Attack City celebrations. The public can participate in the exciting competitions to win exquisite prizes and gifts.
I. Event time:
2022/10/08 (Sat) 19:30~21:30 / Traditional Attack City Team Competition
2022/10/09 (Sun) 19:30~21:30 / Paintball Individual Competition
II. Event location:
Kaohsiung Zuoying Wannianxian Park
III. Event method:
Number of applicants: 50 teams for the team competitions (3 people per team) / 80 people for the individual competitions
Competition rules:
※Preliminary round: 3 rounds per person per team, 3 teams will compete at once and the teams that successfully capture the 3-meter high Attack City will advance to the next round. The top 15 teams will be selected to enter the final round.
※Final round: 3 teams will compete at once and the teams that successfully capture the 4-meter high Attack City will win. The top 5 winning teams will be selected according to the best heights.
IV. Registration website:
Team Competition
Individual Competition
2022 攻炮城
2022/10/8(土) 19:30~21:30/伝統攻炮城チーム戦
2022/10/9(日) 19:30~21:30/ペイントボール個人戦
高雄・左営 万年県公園